Freelance Art Director since 2014, as a single or in collaboration with agencies.
From 2014 to July 2019 I was part, as creative director, of the creative team of DigitalMind, an integrated communication agency specialized in the digital world, with portfolios of national and international customers.
University Degree in Industrial Design
Scientific studies at Highschool level
Versatility in online and offline communication.
May 2014 – July 2019

From 2014 to July 2019 I was the creative director, of DigitalMind creative team.
Digital Mind is an integrated communication agency specialized in the digital works, with portfolios of national and international customers.
Web sites , and e-commerce creations
Brief,research, information architecture, flows ( di cosa!) wireframes,concept, graphic, executive layouts, WordPress predisposition
App Mobile & Tablet
summary, research, graphic concept, executive layouts.
informations architecture, graphic concept, executive layouts.
Online campaigns
briefing, subject definition, copy, 3D art direction, storyboard, graphic concept banners (statics or dynamics) and landing page, executive layouts.
Social Networks
Concept and format definition, photo video shooting art direction, executive layouts.
briefing, research, mood and menu definition, graphic concept, executive layouts, executive files for printing
Offline campaigns
briefing, research, subject definition, copy, graphic concept, executive layouts for printing.
Marketing materials
mood definition, graphic concept, copy, executive layouts for printing.
Coordinated image
briefing, brand analysis, proposition value definition, benchmark, mood definition, copy, graphic concept, executive layout.
Shooting Art direction, support photography, post production images.
January 2012 – December 2013
From January 2012 to December 2013 i managed the corporate communication of Pianca design furniture company.
I supervised a dedicated team, whose goals were to activate digital channels such as corporate blogs and the main social networks, build and manage the company website, creating an intranet / sales platform and periodic newsletters. In addition to a particular focus on digital communication, I personally managed the press office, the online and offline review and the organization of logistics stan of the main trade fairs in which the company took part.
Press Office management
Preparations of materials for magazines and Editors(?), ghostwriting for interviews, creations of press kit, press reviews
Digital PR
For Webzines, blog and design portals, texts for interviews, reports, web reviews
ADV Campaigns
Media Planning, graphics, press reviews
layout, programming and customization of word press, web management and updating. Photos/Copy
briefing and layout.
setup, forwarding schedule, layout, html, css, email contact update, report & statistical analysis.
Social networks
management, update and moderation
Web marketing
Google and Facebook analytics.
B2B Tools
Briefing, concept, illustration, graphics
Corporate Identity
Logo restyling
Event Management
Online and printed promotions, stand logistics, catering organization, front desk
Internal support photographer, photo post production
June 2007 – December 2011
@ Lago
Web Marketing Specialist
From June 2007 to December 2011 I was part of the team that managed the online communication of Lago design furniture company. A stimulating and pioneering reality in the local territory, dealing with the at time emerging dynamics of web 2.0 which included direct communication to the consumer and the digitalization of marketing and business processes.
Here I took part in wide spectrum projects. To name a few:
Appartamento Lago, which has become a leading example in the retail design sector,
the corporate blog Design Conversation (in which I was editor),
the activation and development of the main social channels still in embryo at the time and an absolute novelty in corporate marketing.
Online ADV
layout, banner flash, management.
layout, html, css, flash, Actionscript, WordPress structure organization and customization , Typo3 CMS, Jive, copyright, contents management and moderation.
layout, copyright.
Social networks
Management, editorial plan, graphic, updating and moderation
Web marketing
Google and Facebook analytics.
Contents organization for the installation of DAM software, photo tagging
Media & Video
concept, storyboard, shooting coordination, post production and video editing
Graphic Design & illustration
Press Campaign Graphics, product graphics.
Supporting internal photographer and photo postproduction